The best of personalized learning with proven results!

Get Results with

Grade Results provides a comprehensive set of solutions that support individualized, personalized, and differentiated learning for K–12. The ecosystem includes GR LearnPro (LMS), GR CoursePro (Content/Curriculum Management), GR AssessPro (Assessment Management), GR EduSync (SIS), and more. By seamlessly integrating these tools, educators can tailor instruction, monitor progress, and guide students toward on-time graduation.

🚀 Grade Results LMS is Now GR LearnPro!


GR LearnPro takes EdTech to the next level with its powerful features. It’s fully customizable, user-friendly, gamified, cloud-based, and supports 100+ integrations to enhance learning experiences.

GR LearnPro is designed with interactive components like videos, social and academic clubs, blogs, wikis, playlists, and discussion forums—making learning engaging and collaborative.

GR LearnPro
Adaptive and Benchmark Testing
GR CoursePro

Make Informed Decisions - For Future Impact!

Seamlessly integrate GR CoursePro’s expertly designed curriculum into your Learning Management System (LMS), including Canvas, Schoology, Blackboard, or GR SISConnect. Our standards-aligned courses ensure engaging, high-quality learning experiences tailored to student success.

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Adaptive Assessment
GR CoursePro + GR LearnPro

Smart Technology for Smarter Learning!

No LMS? No problem! GR LearnPro offers a fully hosted, AI-powered platform for seamless course delivery, progress tracking, and interactive student engagement. Schools get a comprehensive digital learning ecosystem with real-time insights and adaptive learning tools.

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Virtual and Blended Learning
GR CoursePro + GR LearnPro + GR AssessPro

Assess, Analyze, Achieve!

Enhance student success with GR AssessPro, our advanced assessment and analytics solution. From formative and summative assessments to AI-driven insights, our platform ensures educators can monitor progress, personalize learning, and drive achievement with data-backed decisions.

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Virtual and Blended Learning
GR CoursePro + GR LearnPro + GR AssessPro + Certified Teachers

Quality Teaching, Limitless Learning!

Need a complete online learning solution? Whether facing teacher shortages or budget constraints, schools can enroll students in GR CoursePro’s expert-led courses, taught by certified educators. With AI-enhanced assessments from GR AssessPro and a powerful digital platform with GR LearnPro, students receive the best education—anytime, anywhere.

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GR LearnPro

As a powerful Learning Management System (LMS), GR LearnPro offers a range of engaging tools to support individualized, personalized, and differentiated learning. Empower every learner to achieve success at their own pace and watch your results soar!

GR CoursePro

GR CoursePro is a Content and Curriculum Management System (CMS) from Grade Results, offering comprehensive, grade-level curricula for K-12. Aligned to State Academic Standards in English, Math, Science, and Social Studies, GR CoursePro ensures that every learner receives rigorous, relevant instruction to excel in all core subjects.

GR AssessPro

Introducing GR AssessPro, a powerful standards-based assessment solution from Grade Results. With adaptive and benchmark testing capabilities, GR AssessPro enables districts to collect, analyze, and act on student performance data—driving more focused classroom instruction and improving student achievement.

GR EduSync

Effortlessly sync with your district's SIS for real-time data integration.

get results with grade results!

Proven Content, Online Instructors, Live 24/7

Grade Results) empowers education with innovative online learning solutions. We offer a comprehensive suite of services, including credit recovery, credit acceleration, remediation, alternative education, and special education—tailored to the needs of public, private, charter, and alternative schools, as well as community colleges and universities.

Built on research-based methodologies, GR LearnPro delivers an extensive, personalized, and ever-expanding curriculum through a cutting-edge, one-to-one delivery system, ensuring engaging, student-centered learning experiences.

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Personalization, Innovation, and Acceleration

Grade Results’ unique combination of a rigorous online curriculum and highly skilled live instructors has proven itself in a variety of educational situations. We are committed to serving diverse student populations, creating a learning environment in which each student receives the opportunity to excel.

The improved achievement scores, attendance figures, and graduation rates of our participating school systems all give testament to the effectiveness of our interactive and engaging program.

Personalization, Innovation, and Acceleration in Education

Credit Accrual

Credit Accrual

We provide comprehensive virtual courses for core and elective middle/high school subject areas for students to accrue credit.
Grade Recovery

Grade Recovery

We provide students who have fallen behind their peers academically with a state-approved online curriculum at the elementary and middle school levels. This affords the students a chance to regain their grade level status.
Credit Recovery

Credit Recovery

Credit Recovery is one of our most successful solutions with success stories and proven results across the United States and worldwide.


Enrichment opportunities are available to all students. These activities may be specifically assigned to gifted and talented students, giving them additional opportunities to expand and enhance learning.
Report Packages


Our online content may be individualized to meet specific student needs. Additionally, on-demand, live instructors are available 24/7. The student will receive supplemental, targeted standards-based content that is custom tailored to the student’s specific needs.
Project Based Learning

Project Based Learning

Project-based learning is an instructional approach which utilizes learning activities to motivate and engage students’ interest. These activities are designed to help students solve real-world problems.
Proven Content


Our research-based and data-driven curriculum offers some unique features.

Online Instructors


Our Instructors are specifically skilled at person-to-person communication through modern technology.

Online Instructors

LIVE 24/7

Any time of day or night, any day of the year, our subject experts are immediately available to your students at anywhere with internet access.

Adaptive and Benchmark Testing
Adaptive andBenchmark Testing, Reporting, and Analysis

Make Informed Decisions - For Future Impact!

Grade Results Adaptive and Benchmark Testing System is a standards-based assessment solution that allows districts to collect, analyze, and act upon student performance data to improve student achievement through focused classroom instruction.

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Adaptive Assessment

Getting the Results One Student at a Time

Grade Results' Personalized Learning environments are customized to individual learner's needs, skills, and interests. Grade Results provides opportunity for students to explore and engage in experiences within and beyond the confines of the classroom.

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Virtual and Blended Learning
Virtual and blended learning solutions

Using Technology for Quality Instruction!

Our highly effective instructional model recognizes that knowledge is gained through the understanding of simple principles. By combining a rich, multimedia online learning environment with live, caring instructors, Grade Results significantly accelerates student progress and enhances the instructional capacity of schools in diverse communities. In addition, our research-based and data-driven based instruction aligns to state and common core standards, and the approach appeals to students with widely varied learning styles and needs.

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What They say about us?


“Grade Results has been very instrumental in changing the lives of our students, increasing our Cohort Graduation Rate and most importantly decreasing our dropout rate. Our students go on to two or four year institutions of higher learning, becomes gainfully employed or seek industry certification in high-wage, high-demand certificate fields. The instructors employed by Grade Results give the students the additional academic support they need to be successful and complete the program.”

Dr. Beverly Hackett

Guidance Counselor,
Birmingham City Schools

“I really love Grade Results. It was easy to go about it, andI love the instructors. They were a really big help. I want to enjoy highschool, because I worked so hard to get where I'm at. Thank you so much, Grade Results.Keep Grade Results as such; don't turn it to anything else; leave it how it is.THANKS AGAIN.”

Shardae Woods,


“Thanks to Envision Personalized Academy, (who uses Grade Results) I have become a much better student. I learned so much through the projects, lessons, and forums. The ACT Prep course is great. When I took my ACT last year, I scored a 15. After completing the ACT course this year, my score has gone up to 20.”


12th Grade Student

"My school couldn't help me because I had failed the state test but I have all my credits," said Arthur. Aruther was accepted into Mile College in Alabama and will be beginning his first semester on August 10, 2020.  He wants to eventually become a registered nurse.  

arthur robinson


"GradeResults "allowed Hanna the opportunity to study at her own pace.  And offered assistance, if needed.  Hanna has ADHD and needs extra time to focus on some things." "This was the best way for her to [attain her high school diploma] with pride and not to feel ashamed for needing extra time to do some things," said Hanna's mother.  Hanna was accepted into Southwest Community College in Tennessee and will be starting school in August 2020."

Hanna conard


"Austin worked for ECO-PAK in Mississippi but needed his high school diploma in order to be promoted.  Austin Leach received his high school diploma from GradeResults on 06/22/2020 and was subsequently promoted."

austin leach


"Kaitlyn had a difficult time passing the state tests in order to graduate from high school and receive her high school diploma.  She enrolled in Grade Results and earned her high school diploma.  After taking summer courses during the Summer 2020, Kaitlyn will be officially accepted into Alcorn State University in Mississippi beginning Fall 2020."

kaitlyn bunch


“Grade results really helped me complete my course so that I could graduate on time this is really a good idea.”

T'niaya smith


"Kaitlyn had a difficult time passing the state tests in order to graduate from high school and receive her high school diploma.  She enrolled in Grade Results and earned her high school diploma.  After taking summer courses during the Summer 2020, Kaitlyn will be officially accepted into Alcorn State University in Mississippi beginning Fall 2020."

kaitlyn bunch


“Grade results really helped me complete my course so that I could graduate on time this is really a good idea.”

T'niaya smith
